Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Charleston Car Accident Attorney

Charleston Car Accident Attorney

According to the CDC , car accident deaths cause $1.5 billion in costs each year in the state of North Carolina. $18 million of this goes to medical costs and $1.48 billion to work-loss costs. Individuals and families who have been in a car crash know that the financial losses can be staggering and the emotional losses impossible to measure. At Auger & Auger, our experienced North Carolina auto accident attorneys know how much is at stake when you've been involved in a car wreck.

Charleston Car Accident AttorneyInsurance company representatives, while friendly, aim to protect company profits. Two of the ways insurance companies do this are by denying claims and by paying out as little as possible on claims that are accepted. In Minnesota and other states with no-fault insurance laws, insurance companies may not put a great deal of effort into investigating auto accidents, thus the real reason for many accidents remains uncovered. The unfortunate result is that the insurance companies do not allow victims to recover all of the damages entitled under the law.

The amount accident victims can recover also depends on the amount of insurance the at fault” party has. For example, in California drivers are required to have a minimum of $15,000.00 in liability coverage for injury/death to one person in an accident (which becomes $30,000.00 total when more than one person is injured or dies that would be apportioned among the victims).

It's sad but true, if you drive a car on our streets and highways, sooner or later you are going to get into an accident. No matter how careful you are when you drive, there will always be someone else who is not paying attention or other unforeseen circumstances that will cause that terrible crash or pile-up. This is especially true if you drive regularly in Houston or one of the other major metropolitan areas of Texas.

You should always assess the physical state of those involved in the crash and call emergency help if necessary. Make sure that you give emergency responders detailed information on the crash and any symptoms that you are experiencing. Be aware that many people underestimate the severity of their injuries because they have an adrenaline rush caused by the incident. Always request a complete examination and follow all doctors' orders for treatment. This will help you heal quickly and prevent other parties from claiming that you are partially responsible for your ailments because you did not listen to your doctor's advice.