Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Houston Personal Injury Lawyer

Houston Personal Injury Lawyer

Every time a driver gets behind the wheel of a motor vehicle, he or she is accepting responsibility for the safety of everyone else on the road. Accidents can and do happen. According to the latest statistics from the Illinois Department of Transportation, in 2012 there were 886 people killed in Illinois car accidents, and over 60,000 people were injured. When a driver's negligent behaviors or careless actions lead to the serious injury or death of another person, the negligent driver must be held accountable.

No one enjoys going through the process of getting into a car accident, having to go to the hospital and then having to file a lawsuit. It is very important to understand that you are not always taking money from the individual or company that was negligent in the car or truck accident. The money will often be paid out by the insurance company. This is a very common misconception. Most people may reconsider suing because they don't want the person that hit them to go broke or bankrupt. This is not exactly how the process works.

Thank you for finally bringing to light one of the great ongoing injustices in America. I am a solo attorney who handles these small accident cases. I have seen these abusive tactics used for years by the big auto insurance companies. I have handled over a thousand of these cases in the 15 years I have been in practice. At the beginning, it often was possible to get a reasonable settlement, but then came the Big Lie tactic: you cannot be hurt in a small property damage crash. I hope you continue to shed light on this corrupt practice which affects millions of Americans every year.

Injuries suffered as a result of these types of accidents can be severe and life altering. You may have suffered head injuries, nerve damage or spinal cord paralysis, broken or dislocated a bone or limb, or even lost the use of a limb. Our firm understands that your immediate goals after going through such trauma are to get your medical bills paid and covered, make sure you do not suffer financially through any lost wages, and make sure your insurance company will pay for future treatment relating to your injury.

Car Wreck laws can be complicated. Saying one wrong thing to the insurance company or the other driver could cost you thousands of dollars in car repairs, medical bills, or more. We want to help. Call us first. We'll be happy to review your case for FREE and get to work right away if we can help you. The call is free. The consultation is free. There's no obligation. It's worth taking 5-10 minutes to help prevent making a mistake that could cost you thousands of dollars. Call us 24/7. We're happy to help get you every dollar you deserve.